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Here you will find project resources and information to keep you connected and up to date as we complete corridor-wide traffic, planning and alternatives analyses.



Welcome to the Eastonville Road project page. The purpose of this web page is to share information and seek community input and feedback regarding improvements to the Eastonville Road Corridor. The project corridor extends north from McLaughlin Road to Latigo Boulevard. The project area is located in the northeastern quadrant of El Paso County, Colorado. The study will be conducted for the two segment phases shown in the project Vicinity Map. Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) funding was approved for the initial study phase only. Funding for improvements recommended by the study has not been identified. 

Project News

Here you will find the latest news on the project.


 * Our interactive map is live!  Share your thoughts.




* Fill out a comment form!




* Review Traffic Study and Design Report!

Project overview

Project Overview

The Eastonville Road Project includes existing Eastonville Road between
McLaughlin Road and Latigo Boulevard. 
Located in the northeastern quadrant of the county, Eastonville Road serves an area that is experiencing significant development pressures, including near-term development in the  northern portion of the project corridor, between Snaffle Bit Road and the proposed Rex Road extension.


To expedite the completion of developer-led improvements in the middle segment of the corridor, the project corridor has been divided into the Phase I and Phase II segments shown in the Vicinity Map. The preferred alternative will reflect corridor improvements that optimize public safety and serve existing and future mobility needs, balancing enhanced capacity, access management, and development.


Project resources

Project Resources

Related Planning Studies

The latest Major Transportation Corridors Plan (MTCP), adopted in 2016, classifies Eastonville Road as a minor arterial with an ultimate 4-lane width. El Paso County completed the Stapleton Road Corridor Study in 2006. The 2006 study established a preferred alignment for Stapleton Road between Meridian Road and Curtis Road as well as a Stapleton Road Access Management Plan for the full corridor.  Most of the planned improvements have been built. Click "Learn More" to view documentation of the MTCP, the 2006 study and the more recent 2013 Stapleton Road/US 24 Access Permit Traffic Impact Study.

Eastonville Road Review Documents

As the study progresses we will post study documents and exhibits for public review and comment.
This may include Online Public Meeting presentation slides, reports and conceptual design drawings.

 Study Area Development Plans

The Meridian Ranch, Waterbury, Grandview Reserve and Rolling Hills planned developments border the Phase I segment of the Eastonville Road project corridor. Click 
"Learn More" to view current site development plans for each project. Links to additional project exhibits and reports provide a closer look at up-to-date project planning.

Public outreach

Public Outreach

Community input helps shape the final recommendations presented in the preferred alternative, identifying corridor improvements that optimize safety, needs, and preferences while balancing enhanced capacity, access management, and development. Make your voice heard and invite fellow community members to participate in the following ways:

Provide Feedback

Coming Soon!
Answer our brief online
survey here.

Go To Survey>

Interactive map

Coming Soon!
Visit and leave comments on the interactive project map. 


Coming Soon!
View Online Public Meetings presentations here. Watch Project Information postings for dates and times for a Town Hall Meeting and you can connect here.

Meeting Info >
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What do you mean by improvements? Is there a list of possible improvements?

Eastonville Road improvements may include upgrades and/or widening to the roadway cross-section, the addition of drainage structures, changes to intersections, such as lengthening or adding turn lanes and changes to traffic control at intersections
(STOP signs on cross streets, STOP signs on all intersection approaches, traffic signals, or conversion to roundabouts). Improvements may also include additional pedestrian and bicycle facilities or upgrades to existing facilities.  


Q: What happens after the studies are complete?
Improvements recommended by the study will be advanced through design, environmental clearances and construction. Improvements to the Phase I corridor segment are anticipated to be designed and constructed by the developer(s) in the near term. Improvements identified for Phase II corridor segments will be advanced for implementation by the County as funding permits. Funding for Phase II improvements have not been been identified but could additional development improvements, grants and federal funds, using public-private partnerships and well as other transportation funding.

Q: Who is responsible for implementing the improvements?
Improvements identified for the Phase I corridor segment will be designed and constructed by the developer(s) for projects located along that stretch of the corridor. Improvements identified for Phase II corridor segments located to the north and south of the Phase I segment will be implemented by the County alone or in partnership.
Q: How will this project affect me? Near term? Long term?
Design and construction of the Phase I corridor segment is anticipated to be completed in the near term. Although traffic will be maintained during construction, it is possible that temporary detours may be required and that construction may bring with it some temporary travel delays. Phase II improvements will proceed as funding is available. Funding for the Phase II segments will include an allocation from the Pikes Peak Regional Transportation Authority (PPRTA) Program and may include funding from partners. In the long term, the preferred alternative will improve public safety and enhanced mobility, while balancing roadway capacity, access management, and development access.
Q: How can I participate? What is the best way to make my opinions heard?
Fill out one comment form or more as needed to as the study progresses. Be sure to share anything that you feel should be considered as part of the planning process. We will respond to your questions and let you know how your input was used. Be sure to participate in the online survey. We will post a summary of what we learned from you and others. There will also be an online Town Hall Meeting to present study findings and recommendations. That event will include an online Q&A and polling to collect you thoughts about the recommended improvements. 
Q: Can I be notified of study results? Survey results? 
Yes. All study results will be posted as reports, presentation and map exhibits on the website for your review and comment. Summaries of survey results and online Town Meeting polling results will also be posted.
Q: How can I share project info with my friends, family, and coworkers?

The best way to share project information with friends, family and coworkers is to direct them to this website. The website is the best source of up-to-date project information and offers a variety of opportunities to make your voices heard. 


Contact &

Maureen Paz de Araujo, FAICP

Senior Transportation Planner/Project Manager

Wilson & Company






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Thank you for your input! Be sure to let us know about anything that should be considered moving forward.

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